IT News & Events

Website makes it easier to create strong, memorable passwords

All those com#plic$ate%d passwords can now go away. The whole password thing at USU just got a lot easier. It’s no longer necessary to come up with a complicated password that includes lots of numbers, randomly-placed uppercase letters and symbols like these: “@#%^*&.”


Bargains on personal software available to USU employees

It’s easy to take for granted the software you use every day as an employee at Utah State University. It costs you nothing. It’s only when you go to get a new personal computer loaded with software that you begin to appreciate the software you use at work.


Internet Skeptic Blog

Wire transfer fraud targets professional associations too

Wire transfer fraud targets professional associations too

Professional Associations organizing Conferences are another target of wire fraud scams.


Computer Security Threats

Spear Phish Targets USU

This morning we received about 250 copies of a bogus message forged to appear to be from with a link to a fake Outlook-in-the-cloud (Office365) login page.